The mega starter kit can bring you into the amazing physical world. We provide you with relevant material like datasheet, Ebook and Software, you can make 19 funny projects like LED blink, Heart-shaped display experiment and LCD1602.
Kit listing:
1) mega2560 x1
2) Accelerometer ADXL345 x1
3) LCD1602 Module ( with pin header) x1
4) 8*8 Dot-matrix Display x1
5) Rotary encoders module x1
6) H-Bridge L293D x1
7) 4 digit 7-segment Display x1
8) DC Motor x1
9) Potentiometer £¨10K£©x1
10) 7-Segment Display x1br> 11) Optocoupler 4N35 x2
12) IC 74HC595 x2
13) 830 tie-points Breadboard x1
14) USB Cable x1
15) 65*Jumper Wires x1
16) Male to Female Jumper Wire x20
17) Passive Buzzer x1
18) Photoresistor x2
19) Switch x1
20) Button (small) x5
21) RGB LED x1
22) 5mm Green LED x5
23) 5mm Red LED x5
24) 5mm Yellow LED x5
25) Blue LEDs x5
26) 2N3904Transistors x2
27) 1N4148 Diodes x2
28) Resistor (220R) x10
29) Resistor (1M) x10
30) Resistor (100K) x10
31) Resistor (5.1K) x10
32) Resistor (10K) x10
33) Resistor (330R) x10
34) Capacitor Ceramic (100nF)?104 x2
35) Capacitor Ceramic (100nF)?103 x2
36) 2.54mm Straight 40 Pin Header x2
37) mini propeller x1
38) Band Resistor Card x1
39) CD x1
About Smraza:
We are a leading manufacturer of electronic components for Arduino and Raspberry Pi. We have a professional engineering team dedicated to providing tutorials and support to help you get started.
If you have any technical questions, please feel free to contact our support staff via email.
It is designed for the beginners who wants to learn the Arduino basic knowledge or the Arduino hobbyists.
The MEGA2560 R3 development board with stronger RESET circuit.
With LCD1602 module, 830 tie point breadboard , LEDs and more common components for DIY.
Comes with detailed tutorial for leading you to build your 19 projects for fun.
All components in the listing are nicely packaged in the sturdy plastic box.