Manufacturer’s Part # OZ730PC
This product is Refurbished.
Add On Applications Capability
- The OZ-700 series comes with powerful add on software with the intention to can help you customize the information kept on your device. A software development kit will be made to be had to 3rd party developers.
MyWizard Enabled
- Install our free data loader from the included CD then access the web site and you’ve got access to over 200 files created to make your Wizard a in point of fact personal device. Choose between Sports Go back and forth Business Jokes and so forth created by Wizard users.
Bundled Day-Timer Organizer -Sharp Edition
- With the bundled software and cable synchronize your Wizard data with your desktop personal information manage or simply Backup and Restore your entire data. This version of Day-Timer Organizer is optimized for the Wizard. Synchronization between your OZ-700 series organizer and your PC is built right in to the Day-Timer software.
Time Management
- VCard and v Calendar enabled through PC Link software.
- View your activities with the many advanced Calendar features like 3-month Calendar Weekly View and Day-to-day View.
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This product is Refurbished and comes with a 90 day warranty.
1.5 MB flash memory for about 9,000 entries
Calendar, schedule, anniversary, to-do list functions
Stores telephone numbers, addresses, and memos
Includes expense, calculator, and currency-conversion functions
Day-Timer Organizer software synchronizes data with your PC