This printing calculator includes a 12-digit blue fluorescent display with punctuation that comes with floating (F) or fixed decimals (6,3,2,1,0), adding and constant modes, item count, print and non-print settings, and round up/down selector. The printer prints at approximately 3.0 lines/second in two colors (positive numbers in black, negative numbers in red) on same old sized paper rolls.
The Sharp EL-2192R printing calculator features a lot of functions such as simple tax calculations, four-key memory (includes memory plus, memory minus, and recall/clear memory keys), grand total, floating or fixed decimal (as much as three places), add mode, markup, and more.
Your calculations are clearly displayed at the large 12-digit LCD display, and the 2-color (positive numbers in black, negative numbers in red), crisp printing is fast at 2.6 lines per second on same old-size paper rolls. Additional features come with a newly designed keyboard, AC operation, and a heavy-duty metal paper holder.
Uses a 120 Volt AC adaptor
Large display, two memory printer
Features tax keys, rate keys, and a mark-up key
Two-color desktop printing calculator
12-digit LCD display
Two-color desktop printing calculator
PC touch keyboard, new up to date design
12-digit LCD display
Tax key, 4-key memory, grand total
AC operation