You make a choice from the biggest selection of streaming channels, you’ll even follow movies coming soon. There are hundreds of free channels, easy how one can buy or watch films from top providers, and no additional charges to watch streaming services and products like Netlfix or Hulu Plus if you already subscribe. And when you have cable, Roku players bring new how one can watch based on your cable subscription.
Roku 3 is lightning fast and loaded with features. The enhanced, point anywhere remote features voice search, gaming, and headphones for private listening.
Find what you wish to have-fast
We make it easy to see what’s on, where you’ll watch it, where it’s free for you, or if there are purchase or rental options. Some channels require payment. Channel availability can change and varies by country.
Follow movies coming soon
With the Roku Feed, know when new movies are able to stream – on what channel and at what price.
Say it. Stream it.
Voice search included with Roku 3 makes it fun to find what you’re in search of.
A remote that keeps the peace
The Roku 3’s enhanced remote includes a built-in headphone jack for private listening. Use it with the included in-ear headphones to watch that late-night movie without waking up the remainder of the house.
Unit is intended to be used in US only
This Certified Refurbished product is manufacturer refurbished, shows limited or no wear, and includes all accessories plus a 90-day Roku warranty
6 foot HDMI cable included
The enhanced, point anywhere remote features voice search, gaming, and headphones for private listening. Headphone style and remote shortcut buttons can vary
Search across the most channels- Fully loaded. Top rated: Voice, headphone & games
Stunning HD video quality. Immerse yourself in the action with rich, vibrant video streaming up to 1080p HD.