Jakcom R3F NFC Smart Ring
There are 6 different sizes of this Smart Ring to be had, #7/#8/#9/#10/#11/#12 – please use the search function or browse the seller’s other product listings to choose the appropriate size. This listing is for size 7. Jakcom R3F NFC Smart Rings work with any smartphone, tablet, door lock, or other device that has NFC tag capabilities, primarily Android and Windows Phone platforms. While some iPhones have NFC functionality, they do not currently have NFC tag functionality. This can be enabled at a later date, but for now they don’t seem to be compatible.
These are waterproof and dust-proof and resist damage as a result of falls.
These work by utilizing an app such as the Jakcom Smart Ring App or many other free third party apps to be had in the Play Store that function as NFC Tag Readers/Writers. They program a task to be associated with the NFC chip of the ring (this ring has two separate chips and subsequently will also be set with two separate functions). The tasks are carried out when the NFC chip of the ring is touched to the NFC reader of the phone (tapped on the back of the phone). Common functions include:
-Programming your business card or contact info to be able to share with another person by tapping their NFC enabled phone
-Adding text to be able to tap someone’s phone and a note appears
-Locking or unlocking your phone via touch
-Sharing a website url or video address
-Switching between work/home modes
-Silencing or changing your ringtones
-Emergency dialing (calling 911 by tapping one side of your ring)
-Starting or stopping your music playlist
The possibilities are limitless and easy to set up the usage of a free application. Get creative.
Package Includes: 1 x Jakcom R3F NFC Smart Ring
1 x Ring Box
Resistant to water and dust
Compatible with Android/WP Smartphones with NFC
Lock/Unlock your NFC devices
Share information with other devices
Keep watch over functions of your Smartphone/Tablet